Becoming a member of EATG is a great way of meeting like-minded people, keeping up to date with what is happening and of course, receiving discounts on the EATG events that we organise. You can join EATG directly for just £15 a year (on a rolling programme),

Membership Form: Click for Membership Form

the benefits of Joining EATG are: 

  • Preferential entry fees to all EATG events
  • 3rd Party Liability Insurance cover at all EATG events
  • Special events just for members
  • Some reductions for entry to other Local TREC Club events
  • £15 Annual fee on a rolling programme. £5 fee for young riders under 16.

EATG League

EATG run a League over the Winter Series Events each year.

Points are awarded to members for each result in our League Competitions.  The Winner receives a special rosette and prize. 

2023-24 winner: Abbey Brotherton on Kaspa

2022-23 winner: Jackie Beazley on Ice Crystal

TREC GB Membership

You can join TREC GB by going to
You can join TREC GB, the National Body for TREC, where you will be eligible for discounts at the majority of affiliated Club Competitions across the country.

There are 2 levels of membership:

Eligibility for points in National Summer and Winter Championship Leagues Eligibility to ride in TREC GB Championships (if qualified) Discounted entry fees at most competitions

TREC GB Blue Tier Membership

Eligibility for points in National Summer and Winter Championship Leagues

Eligibility to ride in TREC GB Championships (if qualified) Discounted entry fees at most competitions

Members special prizes at some competitions.

Ability to apply for TREC GB places on international TREC training courses

Eligibilty to vote in TREC GB elections

TREC GB Red Tier Membership

All of the above, plus Public Liability Insurance up to £10.000.000

Help! Please help us run EATG competitions and events. We can’t do it without you!

EATG run a points Competition for volunteers each year.
2022-23 Winner: Val Vidler £50 Voucher 

To contact EATG use the email link below.

    GDPR EATG Privacy Policy Update 2018 EATG is working on the EATG Privacy Policy and the TREC GB policy, in line with the requirements of the GDPR law and will soon have it on line. Please note EATG does not share information about our members and competitors except to contact you about EATG and related events and to publish results, online, with TREC GB and in the Equine press. We also include photos taken at events by authorised photographers.

    If you do not want EATG to use your information in this way please contact us via the contact link above.

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